英文put out用法(Usage of put out in English)

英文中,put out表示「激怒、打擾」、「撲滅」、「製造、生產」、「逐出、趕出」等意思。
The clerk was put out guests' unreasonable demands.(店員被客人不合理的要求激怒了)
The firefighters put the fire out.(消防隊員撲滅了火災)
This company can put out  10 airplanes a month.(這家公司每個月能夠生產10架飛機)
Tom was put out.(Tom被趕了出來)

參見(See also)
put away用法(Usage of put away)
put back用法(Usage of put back)
put by用法(Usage of put by)
put down用法(Usage of put down)
put forward用法(Usage of put forward)
put in用法(Usage of put in)
put off用法(Usage of put off)
put on用法(Usage of put on)
put out用法(Usage of put out)
put up用法(Usage of put up)
put up with用法(Usage of put up with)

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