英文put down用法(Usage of put down in English)

英文中,put down表示「放下」、「寫下」、「貶損、批評」、「鎮壓、消滅」等意思。
Amy puts the pen down when she finish the homework.(Amy在做完功課時放下筆)
Lucy put the key point down during the class.(Lucy在上課時把重點記下來)
Alex often puts her girlfriend down.(Alex常奚落他的女朋友)
The troop put down the riot.(軍隊鎮壓了暴動)

參見(See also)
put away用法(Usage of put away)
put back用法(Usage of put back)
put by用法(Usage of put by)
put down用法(Usage of put down)
put forward用法(Usage of put forward)
put in用法(Usage of put in)
put off用法(Usage of put off)
put on用法(Usage of put on)
put out用法(Usage of put out)
put up用法(Usage of put up)
put up with用法(Usage of put up with)

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