英文put back用法(Usage of put back in English)

英文中,put back表示「放回原處」、「拖延」等意思。
Please put the bowls back on the cupboard.(請將碗放回櫃子)
The flight was put back 10 hours due to the typhoon.(航班因為颱風延後了10個小時)

參見(See also)
put away用法(Usage of put away)
put back用法(Usage of put back)
put by用法(Usage of put by)
put down用法(Usage of put down)
put forward用法(Usage of put forward)
put in用法(Usage of put in)
put off用法(Usage of put off)
put on用法(Usage of put on)
put out用法(Usage of put out)
put up用法(Usage of put up)
put up with用法(Usage of put up with)

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