英文not until用法(Usage of not until in English)

not until的意思為「直到...才」,而not until有倒裝句及以it當主詞的用法,而not until所連接的兩個子句時態需一致。
Not until ...+助動詞+S+V...(倒裝句用法,Not until置於句首,通常為強調語氣,而主要子句需要倒裝:助動詞+S+V)
=It+be+not until...+that+S+V...
=S+助動詞+not ....until+S+V...
Not until the girlfriend went into the house did Jack leave. (Jack一直到女友進到屋子後才離開)
=It was not until the girlfriend went into the house that Jack left.

Not until the pet left did Alex realize its importance.(直到寵物跑掉,Alex才知道它的重要)
=Alex did not realize the importance of his pet until it left.

參見(See also)
副詞子句(adverb clause)
as soon asupon用法(Usage of as soon as and upon)

4 意見:

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Not until the girlfriend went into the house did Jack leave (不是left).

輕鬆學英語 提到...


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Not until the girlfriend went into the house did Jack leave. (Jack一直到女友進到屋子後才離開)

輕鬆學英語(Learn English) 提到...

Not until the girlfriend went into the house did Jack leave.這句的主詞是Jack,所以沒有錯喔。
女友直到Jack離開才進屋則是以女友為主詞,則會變成Not until Jack left did the girlfriend go into the house.