英文because/because of用法(Usage of because/because of in English)

英文中,because表示「因為...、由於...」。用法上,because引導副詞子句(可以想成後面接的是一個句子),because of則與名詞連接。
S(主詞)+V(動詞) because S(主詞)+V(動詞)=Because S(主詞)+V(動詞), S(主詞)+V(動詞)
Because of + N(名詞), S(主詞)+V(動詞)=S(主詞)+V(動詞) because of + N(名詞)

而because of可以用on account of、as a result of、owing to、due to替換。

The baseball game was cancelled because the typhoon came.(棒球比賽因颱風而取消)
=The baseball game was cancelled because of the typhoon.
=The baseball game was cancelled on account of the typhoon.
=The baseball game was cancelled as a result of the typhoon.
=The baseball game was cancelled owing to the typhoon.
=The baseball game was cancelled due to the typhoon.

參見(See also)
副詞子句(adverb clause)
as soon asupon用法(Usage of as soon as and upon)

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