英文as soon as與as long as用法(Usage of as soon as and as long as in English)

英文中,as soon asas long as都是連接詞,前者表示「一」,後者表示「只要」。
as soon as用於連接幾乎同時發生的兩個動作,例如:As soon as I got home, Tom called me.(我一到家時,Tom打電話給我),但主要子句為未來事實,從屬子句的時態需要用現在式,例如:As soon as he finishes the homework, he will play basketball with us.(一旦他做完功課後,他就會和我們一起打籃球)
as long as用以表示條件,相當於if(如果)的概念,例如:As long as you finish the homework, you can get a present.(只要你做完功課,你就可以得到一個禮物),同樣地,主要子句為未來事實,從屬子句的時態需要用現在式。

as soon asas long as放在句首時,須加上逗號區隔子句,至於句中,則不需要。例如:As soon as I got home, Tom called me.=Tom called me as soon as I got home. (我一到家時,Tom打電話給我)

參見(See also)
副詞子句(adverb clause)
as soon asupon用法(Usage of as soon as and upon)

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