英文so that用法(Usage of so that in English)

so that的意思為「為了....」、「以便...」,so that只能至於主要子句之後,而in order that的用法與so that相同
S1+V1 (,)so that +S2+助動詞+V2
Amy worked hard so that she could go on a picnic in afternoon.(Amy努力工作,為了下午能去野餐)
=Amy worked hard in order that she could go on a picnic in afternoon.

若S1=S2(主詞1=主詞2)時,則可以改成不定詞片語→S+V1+so as to/in order to+V2.
Amy worked hard so as to go on a picnic in afternoon.(主詞都是Amy)
=Amy worked hard in order to go on a picnic in afternoon.

參見(See also)
副詞子句(adverb clause)
as soon asupon用法(Usage of as soon as and upon)

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