英文in contrast用法(Usage of in contrast in English)

英文中,in contrast表示「相比之下」,主要強調存在差異時使用,也就是對照,所以並不一定連接相反地事物,只要有不一樣即可,而by contrast則是比較「完全相反」的時候使用。
Amy learned Japanese. In contrast, Jack learned Spanish.(Amy學日語,而Jack則選了西班牙語)
in contrast能夠與to/with連用,句型:in contrast to/with+名詞
In contrast to European people, Asian people mainly eat rice as staple food.(與歐洲人不同,亞洲人大多以米飯為主食)

參見(See also)
contrary to用法(Usage of contrary to)
on the contrary用法(Usage of on the contrary)
in contrast用法(Usage of in contrast)
by contrast用法(Usage of by contrast)

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