英文get off用法(Usage of get off in English)

英文中,get off表示「下車」、「下班」、「動身出發」。
We will get off the bus at City Hall station.(我們將在市政府站下車)
Amy got off at 10 o'clock yesterday.(Amy昨天10點才下班)
Tom and Betty got off after breakfast.(Tom和Betty在吃完早餐後就動身出發了)

參見(See also)
get along用法(Usage of get along)
get around用法(Usage of get around)
get around to用法(Usage of get around to)
get at用法(Usage of get at)
get away用法(Usage of get away)
get off用法(Usage of get off)
get out of用法(Usage of get out of)
get over用法(Usage of get over)
get rid of用法(Usage of get rid of)

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