英文get around用法(Usage of get around in English)

英文中,get around表示「到處走走」、「規避」、、「說服...」等意思。
He likes to get around on the weekend.(他喜歡周末到處走走)
Lots of businessmen get around the regulation in this state.(這個國家很多商人規避規範制度)
The little girl got around her mother to buy her a doll.(小女孩說服她媽媽買洋娃娃給她)

參見(See also)
get along用法(Usage of get along)
get around用法(Usage of get around)
get around to用法(Usage of get around to)
get at用法(Usage of get at)
get away用法(Usage of get away)
get off用法(Usage of get off)
get out of用法(Usage of get out of)
get over用法(Usage of get over)
get rid of用法(Usage of get rid of)

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