英文despite/although比較(Comparison with despite and although in English)

句型:although +S+V
Although he studied hard, he didn’t pass the exam.(儘管他非常努力,但還是未能通過考試)
=Though he studied hard, he didn’t pass the exam.

despite為介係詞,而in spite of的意思與用法也和despite類似。
句型:despite +名詞or代名詞or動名詞(名詞系列)
Despite his poor health, he still works day and night.(儘管他身體虛弱,他還是日夜工作不休)
=In spite of his poor health, he still works day and night.
Despite working hard, he didn’t pass the exam.(儘管他非常努力,但還是未能通過考試)
=In spite of working hard, he didn’t pass the exam.

相關文章(See also)
讓步子句(concessive clause)
despite/in spite of用法(Usage of despite/in spite of)
though/although用法(Usage of though/although)
despite/although比較(Comparison with despite and although)
No matter用法(Usage of No matter)
whether/if引導的子句(Noun clause with whether/if)

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