英文run out/run out of用法(Usage of run out/run out of in English)

英文中,run out與run out of都是指「用完」,但用法上稍有不同。
run out表示金錢、時間、物品「被用完了」、「耗盡了」,主詞只能是金錢、時間或物品
句型:金錢/時間/物品+run out
His money ran out.(他的錢花完了)
run out of表示某人把金錢、時間或物品「用完了」,主詞只能是人
句型:+run out of+金錢/時間/物品
Alex has run out of gas. So he will not take shower tonight.(Alex用完了瓦斯,所以他今天晚上不洗澡)

參見(See also)
動詞片語(Phrasal verb)
look after用法(Usage of look after)
take care of用法(Usage of take care of)
care for用法(Usage of care for)
look for用法(Usage of look for)
give up用法(Usage of give up)
eat up用法(Usage of eat up)
find out用法(Usage of find out)
take off用法(Usage of take off)
work on用法(Usage of work on)
run out/run out of用法(Usage of run out/run out of)

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