英文care for用法(Usage of care for in English)

英文中,care for表示「照顧、照料」,與take care of、look after的意思與用法相同。
句型:S(主詞)+care for+
Mr.Wang is too busy to care for his own baby.(王先生忙得無暇照顧自己的小嬰兒)
The baby-sitter care for the little boy.(保姆負責照顧小男孩)

參見(See also)
動詞片語(Phrasal verb)
look after用法(Usage of look after)
take care of用法(Usage of take care of)
care for用法(Usage of care for)
look for用法(Usage of look for)
give up用法(Usage of give up)
eat up用法(Usage of eat up)
find out用法(Usage of find out)
take off用法(Usage of take off)
work on用法(Usage of work on)
run out/run out of用法(Usage of run out/run out of)

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