英文other/the others用法(Usage of other/the others in English)

others沒有指定範圍,單純表示「另一些」。例如:Some people like chicken. Others like beef.(有人喜歡雞肉,而另一些人喜歡牛肉)

the others指定範圍(因為有定冠詞the,代表指定的東西是有限定的),the other表示「剩下的、其餘的」。例如:Mary has ten books. Four of them are novels, and the others are textbooks.(Mary有10本書,其中4本是小說,其餘的則是教科書)

參見(See also)
不定代名詞(Indefinite pronouns)
one/ones用法(Usage of one/ones)
one/another/the other用法(Usage of one/another/the other)
other/the others用法(Usage of other/the others)

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上面的例句中,Mary have ten books是否要用has才對呢?

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