英文those who/anyone who用法(Usage of those who/anyone who in English)

英文中,those who及anyone who表示「凡是...之人」的意思。這邊的those/anyone為指示代名詞,指的是「人」。
those who可以替換為people who
句型:those who+複數動詞
Heaven helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者。)
=Heaven helps people who help themselves.

anyone who可以替換為he who
句型:anyone who+單數動詞
Anyone who is lazy will not be well trusted.(懶惰的人將不被重用。)
=He who is lazy will not be well trusted.

相關文章(See also)
指示形容詞(Demonstrative adjectives)
指示代名詞(Demonstrative pronouns)
 those who/anyone who用法(Usage of those who/anyone who)

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