英文a lot of用法(Usage of a lot of in English)

英文中,a lot of表示「很多」的意思,而且在可數名詞與不可數名詞均可使用,不像many和much分別只能接可數或不可數名詞。

a lot of+可數名詞(複數)+動詞(複數)
A lot of people visit the museum.(很多人參觀這個博物館)

a lot of+不可數名詞+動詞(單數)
A lot of oil is in the tank.(很多油在油箱中)

相關文章(See also)
a few/a little用法(Usage of a few/a little)
many/much用法(Usage of many/much)
a lot of用法(Usage of a lot of)
a number of/the number of用法(Usage of a number of/the number of)
an amount of/the amount of用法(Usage of an amount of/the amount of)

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