英文turn away用法(Usage of turn away in English)

英文中,turn away表示「驅逐、趕走」、「(臉)轉過去」等意思。
The police turned the drunk away.(警察將醉漢趕走了)
Amy turned away when a cockroach flew.(Amy在蟑螂飛起時轉過臉)

參見(See also)
turn away用法(Usage of turn away)
turn down用法(Usage of turn down)
turn in用法(Usage of turn in)
turn into用法(Usage of turn into)
turn off用法(Usage of turn off)
turn on用法(Usage of turn on)
turn up用法(Usage of turn up)
turn out to be用法(Usage of turn out to be)
turn over用法(Usage of turn over)

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