英文take in用法(Usage of take in in English)

英文中,take in表示「接受...,使....進入」、「理解...」、「看...」、「訂閱」等意思。
The club took in 10 new members last month.(俱樂部上個月接受了10名新成員)
Jack finally took in the situation.(Jack終於弄清情況了)
John took in the movie last weekend.(John上周末看了電影)
Alex takes in New York Times.(Alex訂閱紐約時報)

參見(See also)
take part in用法(Usage of take part in)
take one's place用法(Usage of take one's place)
take care of用法(Usage of take care of)
take off用法(Usage of take off)
take over用法(Usage of take over)
take in用法(Usage of take in)
take out用法(Usage of take out)
take up用法(Usage of take up)
take down用法(Usage of take down)
take on用法(Usage of take on)

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