英文run down用法(Usage of run down in English)

英文中,run down表示「撞倒」、「追捕」、「損壞」、「詆毀」等意思。
The driver ran down the trash can.(駕駛撞倒了垃圾桶)
The police ran down the prisoner.(警察追捕著犯人)
The window runs down by the time.(窗戶隨著時間漸漸損壞)
Bob runs Amy down.(Bob說著Amy的壞話)

參見(See also)
run across用法(Usage of run across)
run after用法(Usage of run after)
run away用法(Usage of run away)
run down用法(Usage of run down)
run in用法(Usage of run in)
run over用法(Usage of run over)

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