英文look forward to用法(Usage of look forward to in English)

英文中,look forward to表示「期待、期望」的意思。
句型:look forward to+名詞,look forward to+Ving(動名詞)
Our team looks forward to the next victory.(我們隊伍期待著下次的勝利)
Alex looks forward to seeing his girlfriend next week.(Alex期待下星期能見到女朋友)

參見(See also)
look after用法(Usage of look after)
look down on用法(Usage of look down on)
look for用法(Usage of look for)
look forward to用法(Usage of look forward to)
look into用法(Usage of look into)
look out用法(Usage of look out)
look over用法(Usage of look over)
look up用法(Usage of look up)
look up to用法(Usage of look up to)

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