英文come out用法(Usage of come out in English)

英文中,come out表示「出現」、「出版」、「顯露、傳出」等意思。
The moon came out in the evening.(月亮在傍晚時出現了)
The famous writer's latest novel of  will come out this week.(這位名作家最新的小說在這禮拜要出版)
President's scandal finally came out.(總統的醜聞最終還是被傳開了)

參見(See also)
come across用法(Usage of come across)
come about用法(Usage of come about)
come down用法(Usage of come down)
come from用法(Usage of come from)
come out用法(Usage of come out)
come over用法(Usage of come over)

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